Breaking CFI: Exploiting CVE-2015-5122 using COOP


使用 COOP 方式打破 CFI 防御实现对 CVE-2015-5122 漏洞的利用。全新的技术啊实现,高级思路啊,值得一看

CFI1 has most certainly set the standard for exploit mitigations, and has inspired many implementations such Microsoft CFG2, Microsoft RFG3, PaX Team’s RAP™4 and Clang’s CFI5. In this series of posts we’re going to demonstrate how modern CFI implementations can be circumvented. Specifically in this post we’ll be demonstrating an advanced code reuse technique, Counterfeit Object-Oriented Programming6 (COOP) utilizing an old vulnerability to conform to the theoretical boundaries of CFI.